Cornea Transplant Update

When having cataract surgery several years ago I naively chose to believe that once and for all my eyesight problems would be “cleansed”. WRONG!

Corneal fuch’s dystrophy (possibly genetic) & Saldzmann’s nodules (rare by some accounts) generate a wicked combo. Two weeks ago I had a cornea transplant on my right eye–the distance eye. A checkup this week revealed the post-op healing (despite considerable swelling) is progressing as expected. That is a good thing. And again I thank the donor. More of us need to donate. Lt. Col. “Doc” Steigleman, the cornea specialist at San Antonio Military Medical Center (SAMMC), told me that too often they run short of needed donors to meet scheduled transplant demand. SAMMC is also a Level I Trauma Center and, thus, treats civilians.

My prognosis: The surgically repaired eye offers no immediate vision respite; it’ll take up to 3 or more months  before the graft settles sufficiently so that eyeglasses can be prescribed. And there is no way to predict the quality of vision that will occur before the graft settles. I remain hopeful.

My left eye, meanwhile, which houses a close-up lens (Houston Eye Associates performed my cataract surgery), continues to atrophy, and, while an eyeglass prescription for my left eye affords enough correction for me to function with one eye, my functional ability is impaired. Photography is out. Motorcycle riding is out. Reading & writing are in, but limited in both quantity and quality.

More … the steroid prescription for my surgically repaired eye is written by SAMMC, but they can’t fill it. That has to be done by the VA, which will be done; however, the steroid is not yet in the VA system. Think Walgreen’s in the interim. (The prescription for my left eye, by the way, is written and filled by the VA.  Beginning to get the picture?)

And … remember the requirement that the VA must at my request provide a 90-day Letter of Authorization (which must be constantly renewed) for me to be treated at SAMMC; well, I’m told by SAMMC that system has been changed.

“To what?” I ask.

“I don’t know.”

The situation creates the patience of “Job”, right? WRONG! I’m mad as hell. My sense of humor is gone. I have no social interests. However, altered perception trickles in. This is a life-changing event. Stay tuned!

4 thoughts on “Cornea Transplant Update”

  1. Facebook: Larry Tynes, first cousin
    Sorry to hear about your eye problems, Jack, but your spirit seems strong and hopeful. I’m counting on that!

  2. Jack,
    I know they’re kicking you when you’re down. I also remember the man I met in my office.
    Try the Patient Advocacy office and the Patient Administration office. One should be able to find out the new requirement for Letter of Authorization. Actually the Admin people should know, but I have more faith in the Patient Advocacy Office getting you the answer..
    Never ask a doctor about an admin question because they won’t know, If that was the case.
    The drug situation is fairly common in that if its new and expensive, it’s not in the military formulary.
    Hang Tough, Good Luck,

    1. Thank you, Dave. Though we’re close to a generation apart, I would have loved to have served alongside you, with you as our medic, on our five-man Mobile Advisory Team in South Vietnam.

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